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Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room Policy

The Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees welcomes the use of the library meeting rooms to groups of community citizens. The major mission of the library is to provide for the informational, cultural, educational and recreational needs of its people; therefore the Library Board believes that the library should serve as an open forum for providing and exchanging information and it is expected that the meeting rooms will be used to accomplish this goal.

However, the fact that a group is permitted to meet at the library does not in anyway constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs.

RoomSizeCapacitySpecial Features
Upper Level Meeting Room16×1515Dry Erase Board Available
Lower Level Meeting Room37×21100Kitchen Facilities Available


  1. The meeting room is available to all civic, community, cultural or educational organizations whose purpose is non-commercial, non-partisan and/or non-profit, with the following restrictions: Political groups may use the room’s facilities for non-partisan programs of an educational value. Religious groups may use the rooms for non-sectarian or interdenominational meetings or programs. The rooms are not available for meetings that are social, for the benefit of private individuals or commercial concerns or when in the judgement of the director any disorder may likely occur.
  2. All library programs requiring the use of the meeting rooms have priority over outside group meetings at all times.
  3. Reservations are limited to the hours 9 a.m. through 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and to 5 P.M. on Fridays and Saturdays. Reservations will not be accepted for dates when the library is closed.
  4. The meeting rooms are available free of charge to German Township groups.
  5. No general admission fee may be charged for any meeting or program held in the meeting room. Groups may, however, restrict their meetings to their own members and make normal collections of dues from its members.No buying or selling of products or services is permitted on library property, except in support of the library.
  6. No voluntary offering, solicitation, or collection of funds may be made. However, groups may charge participants a fee to cover the actual costs of materials used during the meeting, such as craft supplies, printed reading materials, forms and other items needed to conduct the program. If fees are collected, the Friends of Bremen Public Library will manage the collected fees.
  7. Only light refreshments may be served. No alcoholic beverages or smoking is allowed in the library. Kitchen facilities are available in meeting rooms B and C only. A refrigerator, sink, dishes and a coffee pot are available.
  8. Users are responsible for setting up and arranging tables and chairs and for leaving the room and kitchen area (if used) in a neat and orderly condition.
  9. Groups of children may use the meeting rooms provided they are supervised by one or more adult sponsor.
  10. If parents bring children to meetings, the parents are responsible for the behavior of their children throughout the library. If children create a disturbance in the library, they will be asked to stay with their parents in the meeting room.
  11. Each individual/group may have a maximum of three meetings per month.
  12. Reservations for room use must be made by an adult having or eligible for a Bremen Public Library Borrowers Card. Reservations are made at the adult circulation desk and must include the name of the group, time desired and name, address and telephone number of the person responsible as well as the meeting room desired. The person making the reservation is responsible for turning off all lights in the meeting room and restrooms that are adjacent to the meeting room.
  13. All groups and individuals using the meeting rooms assume full responsibility for any damages to library property in the room incurred during the meeting or in connection with the meeting.
  14. The Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees and the library staff do not assume any responsibility for the security of clothing items, valuables, etc., and personal and group equipment.
  15. If a meeting is cancelled, the library should be notified at earliest possible date, preferably a week in advance.
  16. The library reserves the right to cancel any reservation granted to an outside group for a meeting room, but only in order to use the room for library purposes or as disciplinary action.
  17. No provision can be made for the storage of equipment to be used by regular users of the public meeting rooms.
  18. The director is authorized to deny permission to use the meeting rooms to any group that is disorderly, objectionable in any way or violates these regulations.
  19. This statement of policy is subject to amendment at any time by the Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees.

Adopted by the Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees — April 27, 1992
Amended by the Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees — April 29, 1996
Amended by the Bremen Public Library Board of Trustees — October 29, 2018